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    About Us

    The mission of NCNW is to harness the power of African American and other women of color to ensure full access and participation in the socio-economic and political systems which impact upon the quality of life for all persons.

    To carry out the mission, NCNW works through and with national affiliated organizations, Sections, Guilds and individuals, along with a diverse number of agencies and organizations in both the public and private sectors.

    Advocacy for and services to the African American and other communities of color are functions that are inextricably connected in the development of self-determined social and economic change. Therefore, NCNW is engaged in activities and initiatives that ranges from identifying issues and advocacy to services rendered to individuals, groups and communities.



2007 © National Council of Negro Women

NCNW National | Forum | UCF


Website last modified: November 7, 2007  9 AM

